
Travel Pets

Grady was a male silver marble bengal who came to us in 2008.  It was estimated that he was born in about 2006, but it was hard to know for sure because he was rescued by the Oakville SPCA from a kitty mill.  Regardless, he lived a charmed life spending winters with us in the deserts of Arizona, California, Nevada and Utah.  It breaks my heart to say that he was diagnosed with IBD (Inflamatory Bowel Disease) in 2015 and small cell lymphoma (cancer) in 2016.  He crossed the rainbow bridge suddenly on January 16, 2020, possibly of heart failure.  We were devastated and traveling without him was difficult.  So during our winter at home thanks to Covid, we adopted Trixie, and in the Fall of 2021 she became our new travel companion.

Trixie has adjusted well to travel life.  She doesn't love long travel days in the truck, but she loves exploring somewhere new when we arrive at our destination.  As with Grady, we take her outside without a leash because she is verbally trained.  She needs to know only two commands - No and In.  "No" means stop what you're doing or don't go there.  "In" means it's time to go in, and she goes to the trailer door.  Not 100% of the time, but almost always.  Good kitty!