
Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Well, we are home safe and sound and not enjoying the snow.  A couple of inches have fallen overnight and it's still falling.  Oh well, that's the price we pay for leaving so early in the fall.  Our four-day drive home was uneventful other than a light dusting of snow on the ground on Saturday morning in Amarillo, Texas.  Otherwise, the entire drive through Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan was sunny and above freezing, so we didn't have to winterize the trailer until yesterday at home.

For those of you who are interested in numbers, here's what our six-month excursion cost:
Description Total Cost Average Daily Cost Comment
Diesel fuel (for our truck) $4,424 $25.43   
Camping fees $994.45 $5.72 would have been a daily average of $4 excluding the expensive RV park in California for five nights which was about $300
All trip-related expenses $8,007.39 $46.02 includes above expenses as well as gas for the generator, propane, grey/black water dump fees, maintenance & repairs, recreation and other stuff like laundromats)

During our first RV year (2010-2011), our expenses were about $40/day; fuel prices are a lot higher this year and we were away for six months instead of five; although this year I think we did a lot more free camping now that we know where to find it and how.

Anyway, that's the end of the blog for another season.  It was a great trip, but I'm glad to be home - and so is the cat!

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