
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lake Mead National Recreation Area, NV

Well, it's just the two of us again - actually three if you count the cat.  Brandon has arrived back home safely, and Brad and I are left to recover from a whirlwind 10 days.  The campground in Callville Bay at the Lake Mead NRA is actually really nice, reminding us of our trip to Florida a couple of years ago as it is lush with palm trees and oleander bushes, so we decide to stay for a couple of more days.  It's quiet too, until the weekend when groups of boy/girl scouts arrive, shattering our silence!  It's also really warm here, mid-70s (low 20s celcius) during the day and about 60F (15C?) at night.

We find a slot canyon to hike near the Anniversary Mine, but don't expect too much after what we've seen in southern Utah which is the slot canyon capital of the southwest.  However, we are very pleasantly surprised by the colour and texture, although the slot is fairly short, perhaps a 1/4 mile.  Evidence of mining is all around us too, which excites Brad.  The shafts have been fenced but not filled in or collapsed shut.  We're not sure what they used to mine here, but we find what we think are selenite crystals which are formed from gypsum, and there is an active gypsum operation several miles away - so it's probably a good guess.

After our one day of hiking, we decide to head a bit further north since the weather will still be warm enough for the next week or so.  This might be a mistake - Nevada gets a bit mountainous as you head north and elevation equals cold temperatures.
Marilyn in the slot canyon or "Anniversary Narrows".
Brad in the wash where the rock layers have been pushed up almost vertical.

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